::lagi entry geli geli::

::reverse fate::
The person that become a flower in my heart
The person that made me smile all the time
That person that blooming love to fill my heart entirely
In the storm, I would become a shelter
I am the person that would protect you
Even though I am hurt, I love you
Even though I’m sad I try to smile
I love you, I love you even though I can’t tell you
Even though you don’t love me
Even though you can’t see me
I’m a happy person because of our memory
The person that become tear in my eyes
The person that always made me laugh
The person that used harsh word of separation to leave wounds on my heart
Our despised destiny will end today
Even though I am hurt, I love you
Even though I’m sad I try to smile
I love you, I love you even though I can’t tell you
Even though you don’t love me
Even though you can’t see me
I’m a happy person because of our memory
The word I want to promise in front of the world
I want to give up my life and protect you
The person that was my everything
The person that is my dew in life
I miss you, I miss the day we loved too much
If we should ever meet again
Let’s not each other then
Destiny will reverse in front of our love

ps:lagu dia best oh..kan lina kan??


*Cik Sara @ D'Sahanara* said...

i like geli2 nie.hehe..lirik lagu apa nie?

ZooL.Ahmad said...

kalau dalam citer adnan sempit, maksud geli² dah lain dah :)

ayeen:) said...

akukahmilikmu:lagu korea.tapi sudah di translate kan..tajuk dia :reverse fate.best lagu ni..

zul:ahaha.aku tak ikut spesifikasi adnan sempit.aku ikut spesifikasi aku sendirilah.ahaha:)